It is vital to maintain gut health in horses and to ensure you are managing your horse in a way that promotes equine gut health, through an understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the equine digestive system.
Dr. Femke Schaafstra, PhD Equine Nutrition, MSc, BSc, takes an in-depth look into electrolytes and their use in horses.
As horse managers we are aware that time at grass is important for our equine companions. Dr. Simon Daniels explores what is the real nutrient content of grass for horses.
Feedmark's Nutritionist explores the nutritional requirements of the broodmare during foaling, and how this changes once the foal is born.

Lucy Richards, Feedmark's Event rider, talks to us about her one in a million horse, Obie...
Have you heard of Feedmark’s personalised equine nutrition supplement? Our Director of Science and Nutrition, Dr Stephanie Wood BSc (Hons) RNutr R.Anim.Tech, investigates Bespoke All-In-One™ and explains how this may benefit you and your horse…
Convincing your horse to eat new feeds or supplements can sometimes be a tricky task. Our Nutritionist explains how to introduce new ingredients gradually and helpful tips to encourage the fussy feeder.
Are you concerned that your horse may have an allergy or intolerance? Our Nutritionist, explains the different signs and symptoms to watch out for and tips on how to assist your horse if you suspect they may have an allergy or intolerance.
Are your horse’s supplements and feeds safe for competition? Our Nutritionist explains how to easily identify safe products and investigates the importance of feed assurance schemes and what they involve.

Steph Taylor is a very dedicated Feedmark customer and has been buying our supplements for her horses for almost a decade! We are delighted to welcome her to the Feedmark team as a Brand Ambassador, discover more about this truly talented dressage rider here…
At Feedmark, we understand that you want the best for your horse, even when it comes to their diet and nutritional requirements. This is why our Nutritionists designed Bespoke All-In-One™, a custom-made product which caters for your horse’s unique dietary needs and also makes your life easier!
The horse is known as a hindgut fermenter, this means that they break down a large amount of fibre in the large intestine. Our Nutritionist investigates prebiotics and probiotics, explaining what they are and why they are important in the equine digestive system.