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Blog posts of '2025' 'February'

Managing a Moody Mare

Managing a Moody Mare

Normally good natured, obedient and willing, changes in hormone levels can turn your darling horse into an unpredictable, grouchy nightmare! While some mares barely change during their season and are able to be ridden and handled as normal, others really suffer, showing signs of discomfort and changes in personality.
Managing a Moody Mare
Keeping Your Horse at a Healthy Weight | Equine Science Matters®

Keeping Your Horse at a Healthy Weight | Equine Science Matters®

Being a ‘healthy weight’ is not a one size fits all term and will mean different things for each individual horse. The ideal weight for a horse depends on their current workload, the discipline they are used for and any health issues that they may be affected by.
Keeping Your Horse at a Healthy Weight | Equine Science Matters®
What Are Feed Balancers and Would They Help Your Horse? | Equine Science Matters®

What Are Feed Balancers and Would They Help Your Horse? | Equine Science Matters®

Our Senior Nutritionist investigates equine feed balancers, how they differ from general vitamin and mineral supplements and what types of horses may benefit from them.
What Are Feed Balancers and Would They Help Your Horse? | Equine Science Matters®
Barefoot or Shod? | Equine Science Matters®

Barefoot or Shod? | Equine Science Matters®

With each horse having their own individual needs, “To shoe or not to shoe?” can be a tough question to answer! This blog will discuss both management methods to help you make the best decision for your horse.
Barefoot or Shod? | Equine Science Matters®