Welcome to Feedmark

Quality Control: Nobody Does it Better than Feedmark

There is lots of talk around the topic of "prohibited substances" in horse supplements currently but rest assured that there is no-one with better quality assurance standards than Feedmark. 

We were the first equine nutrition company to become UFAS and BETA NOPS accredited, and we still uphold that same top-quality standard to this day to ensure that our customers and their horses receive the very best. Our UFAS and BETA NOPS accreditation means that we only select and purchase the very best ingredients from approved suppliers with traceability procedures, to enable us to track each and every ingredient back to its original source.  

Choosing the best ingredients is not always an easy task and it can take time to ensure we avoid those that may contain undesirable contents. Being part of the UFAS and BETA NOPS schemes hugely reduces the risk of a positive test result for prohibited substances and therefore gives our customers confidence in our products and enables them to supplement their competition horses safely.  











What we do at Feedmark to ensure we have the best quality control: 

  • We have a monthly testing schedule in place to check the consistency of our supplements, analytical values/nutritional content and the dispersion of ingredients. We also test regularly for undesirables such as NOPS, heavy metals, pesticides, salmonella and E.coli 

  • We only source high quality ingredients from approved suppliers who are registered with UFAS, FEMAS or BRC. 

  • We have a strict schedule for the daily cleaning of equipment. 

  • We only use securely sealed tubs/containers for products containing herbal NOPS (Zerobute, Agility, DevilClaw, Meadowsweet). 

  • We keep storage areas clean and quarantine then dispose of any product or ingredient that may not be up to standard. 

  • We ensure hauliers/transport vehicles are clean and have not carried any prohibited substances. 

  • We regularly train all staff on NOPS, ensuring that all are aware of contamination risks and our strict protocols. 

  • Our own Continuous Product Improvement (CPI) policy means that our Nutritionists are consistently monitoring relevant research and updating our formulations where necessary to optimise the efficacy of our products and ensure they contain the best ingredients available. 











What is UFAS? 

UFAS stands for the Universal Feed Assurance Scheme and was launched in 1998. Being UFAS and NOPS accredited means that Feedmark is audited each year to ensure we are following all of the correct procedures and maintaining our high standard. For more information about UFAS tap here.











What are NOPS? 

NOPS stands for Naturally Occurring Prohibited SubstancesThese substances are classed as prohibited as they could have a performance enhancing effect on the horseThe main NOPS and their most likely sources are: 


  • Caffeine (cacao) 

  • Theobromine (cacao) 

  • Theophylline (tea) 

  • Morphine (opium poppy, Papaver somniferum) 

  • Hyoscine (nightshade, Datura) 

  • Atropine (nightshade – Atropa belladonna) 

  • Cannabinoids (Hemp fibre and plant material) 


There are also high (not permitted in equine feed or supplements) and low (are permitted but only limited to horses NOT competing) priority herbal substances. Here at Feedmark we have two ingredients which are low priority herbal substances, DevilClaw and Meadowsweet. Products containing these ingredients do not show the NOPS logo and a withdrawal period is stated on the label and on our website. These products are therefore not suitable to be fed to competition horses. 


In order to ensure that cross contamination of these ingredients does not occur, here at Feedmark we have strict procedures in place. We have a separate, enclosed NOPS room where these particular ingredients are stored, mixed and tested. All employees must also undergo regular NOPS training to make sure that all staff are aware of the risks of NOPSFor more information, tap here.











What is the BETA NOPS Scheme? 

The BETA NOPS scheme was launched in 2009 and aims to reduce the risk of disqualification from competition from NOPS being found in equine feed. To be part of this scheme and to be able to display the BETA NOPS logo on our products, we have stringent quality control and management procedures in place to reduce the risk of NOPS contamination within our products. 











What is HACCP? 

HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point and is used to manage food safety hazards. This involves further protocols to ensure that high standards of cleanliness and traceability are met. 


What you should look out for when buying equine feed or supplements: 

These official logos will help you to easily identify safe supplements and feed. For further tips on what you can do at home to ensure your horse’s feed is as safe as possible, tap here.