As horse owners, we all look forward to the lighter evenings and better weather that spring brings - more riding, more turnout, and more quality time with our horses. But spring also comes with its own set of challenges. To help you get ready, Feedmark’s Registered Nutritionist, Stephanie Hyland (MSc. RNutr.), is answering your most asked questions about the season ahead.
1. "Q. My horse gets quite fresh in the spring, how can I help him stay focused?"
A. Some horses definitely feel the joys of spring and whilst it's great to be out of the stable and in a field full of grass this isn’t always ideal for us when we are trying to ride them. Spring grass has a much higher energy content compared to preserved forages such as hay. Horses eating lots of grass will be getting more energy in the diet and will therefore have higher energy levels. To help maintain focus during work:
Consider the use of groundwork exercises to keep your horse engaged, such as lunging, long-reining, and pole work.
Diet plays an important role, so consider providing a calming supplement to support your horse’s behavior.
2. "Q. My horse is sensitive to the flush of spring grass which causes her to get loose droppings. How can I help to support her digestion?"
A. Often when we see digestive upset from Spring grass, it's usually management changes that are the instigator. Horses that have been fed hay or haylage all winter with limited access to grass will have higher populations of bacteria in the hindgut which are geared up to utilising hay or haylage.
These same horses turned out on grass will not have the correct proportions of bacteria that digest grass, and therefore their digestive efficiency is reduced and we see symptoms like loose droppings. To support this:
- Dietary changes should be made gradually, even when changing forage types,
- Feed a digestive supplement to support digestive function.
3. "Q. I’m bringing my horse back into work after the winter off. How can I support him in the best way?"
A. When bringing your horse back into work it is essential for both their health and your safety to take a gradual and thoughtful approach. Allow plenty of time for them to rebuild fitness, muscle strength, and flexibility. Our advice would be:
Start with groundwork - Begin with in-hand walking or long reining to rebuild strength and remind you horse of their routine.
Gradually build fitness - Start ridden work slowly, focusing on walking before adding trot, hill work, and poles to safely build muscle and fitness.
Check tack & teeth - Ensure your horse's saddle fits well and that they are up to date with their dental checks to prevent discomfort when ridden.
Review the diet - Provide high-quality forage and a balanced vitamin & mineral supplement, increasing feed amounts slowly as work increases.
Use a calmer if needed - If your horse is sharp or excitable, consider a calming supplement to support a settled mind.
- Consider a joint supplement - Horses that have been out of work for a while benefit from joint support when working again as an increase in workload will place a higher level of stress on their joints. Feeding a joint supplement is a great way to support your horse's joint health .
4. "Q. My horse struggles during coat change, she gets itchy, and her coat looks dull. What can I do about it?"
A. Coat change can be a difficult time for some horses and often has them looking a bit worse for wear. We recommend:
Feeding high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids can help to support skin health they help to increase the skin cell elasticity reducing itchiness.
Regular grooming helps keep the skin and coat clean, preventing the buildup of unwanted bacteria.
Ensure rugs are not causing irritation or rubbing.
5. "Q. My horse is sensitive to flies, how can I best prepare for managing them this year?"
A. Getting prepared ahead of time will help to reduce your horse’s reaction to flies. You can help your horse nutritionally through feeding ingredients which help to repel flies. Starting to feed ingredients such as garlic, and other aromatic herbs such as fenugreek, lemon peel and peppermint will help to keep flies at bay. You can also:
Apply a suitable fly spray to help deter flies.
Use fly masks and sheets for additional protection.
With the changing season comes plenty of opportunities, and a few challenges. From managing energy levels, digestive health, and the dreaded pesky flies, to supporting joints and coat condition, a little forward planning goes a long way. By tailoring your horse’s management and nutrition to meet these seasonal needs, you’ll help them stay happy, healthy, and ready to make the most of the longer days ahead!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in contact with our Nutrition Team on 0800 585525, emailing [email protected], using the live chat function on our website or sending us a dm on social media.