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Riding your horse in the great outdoors during winter

Riding your horse in the great outdoors during winter Carolyn Henderson
Riding your horse in the great outdoors during winter

3 contributing factors to tying up from endurance rider, Annie Joppe

Feedmark Endurance rider, Annie Joppe, reflects on her successes and failures of 2018 and talks tactics for an improved performance in 2019. 

3 contributing factors to tying up from endurance rider, Annie Joppe

10 presents to keep your horse happy this Christmas

What will Santa bring your horse this year? Here's our guide to the perfect Christmas gifts that your horse will definitely love... and benefit from!  

10 presents to keep your horse happy this Christmas

From rescue case to dressage star

Read the incredible story of Spike; a starved, neglected yearling, infested with lice and worms, who has transformed in to a successful dressage star with a superb personality! 

From rescue case to dressage star

Don’t fall for winter management myths

As we head into winter, many owners will change their horses’ regime – some by choice, and some by necessity. Either way, it’s easy to turn into a worrier.

Before you end up so stressed you’re doing the human equivalent of weaving, the Feedmark team has picked out some common misconceptions to avoid...

Don’t fall for winter management myths

Horse riding is one of the top three riskiest sports for children

A study which found that riding is one of the top three riskiest sports for children and young adults will probably prompt fears amongst parents and boost sales of body protectors.


While we should all take precautions – ranging from using common sense to wearing protective gear of an appropr...

Horse riding is one of the top three riskiest sports for children

Horses who spring surprises

There’s nothing nicer than hearing people enthuse about their horses – not in terms of how much they’ve won, but in how much they enrich their lives. Talking to a woman who had just bought her first horse after ten years of sharing other people’s was a delight.


Her story included an inspirin...

Horses who spring surprises

The best supplement for endurance horses

What does Annie feed her endurance horses to ensure they perform to the best of their ability?

If you haven't got time to read to the end then click here to find out the perfect supplements for Annie's horses. 


Autumn is in full swing now, the first overnight frost appeared over two weeks...

The best supplement for endurance horses

We will remember the animals lost in war

When we remember those who have died in war, it’s surely appropriate to remember the animals caught up in conflict.


Without the horses, ponies and mules who were part of British forces in the 1914-18 war, history might have played out in a different way. They became a vital part of cavalry w...

We will remember the animals lost in war

Fit for the job

Most riders do everything they can to ensure that their horses are happy and comfortable, so the announcement that British Dressage is cracking down on too-tight nosebands will be welcomed.


We’ve all seen pictures of horses whose mouths have been strapped shut so tightly they can’t relax their j...

Fit for the job

It’s all a matter of time

Ask a non-horsey person what difference daylight saving time (DST) makes to them and you’ll probably get either a blank look or a mild grumble about days getting shorter. Ask a horse owner and be prepared for a long list of complaints.


For many owners, it means fewer chances to ride. For an unlu...

It’s all a matter of time

Breaking through the age barrier

Do you ever feel that you and younger members of your family live on different planets? Or worse, that you’re saying all the things that made you cringe when your parents said them to you?


Then the talk turns to horses – and everything fits into place. One of the many benefits of being around ho...

Breaking through the age barrier