Colic is a common veterinary problem. Feedmark's Nutritionist explores what colic is, the signs to look out for and its associated risk factors.
Rebecca Allan, Feedmark’s Assistant Nutritionist, explores the different toxins that can be found in plants commonly found in grazing or forage, and discusses the consequences of their consumption on the horse’s health.
Feedmark Nutritionist, reviews the nutritional requirements of growing foals from weaning to twelve months.
Professor Murray and Dr. Daniels explore the different types of forage available, helping you to choose the best option for your horse this winter.
Feedmark's Nutritionist investigates the ways in which you can manage your horse's grass intake...
As horse managers we are aware that time at grass is important for our equine companions. Dr. Simon Daniels explores what is the real nutrient content of grass for horses.
Feedmark's Nutritionist explores the nutritional requirements of the broodmare during foaling, and how this changes once the foal is born.
As your horse’s routine changes with the seasons, are you making adjustments to their diet? Our Nutritionist warns of important steps to take to ensure your horse’s safety, and gives an easy guide on how to introduce new feeds gradually.
The winter months are creeping in on us! Not only is it time to prepare ourselves for the drop in temperatures, the frequent rain, and the endless supply of mud, but we must also prepare our turnout areas before the harsh weather is upon us... Our Nutritionist, Ellen, shares some top tips on getting your horse’s turnout pasture fit and ready for the colder period.
Flushes of fresh grass can be a common but dangerous occurrence at this time of year. Due to the recent weather, a dramatic growth in grass is causing some horses and ponies to gain undesired weight.
This week, we look at nutrient deficiencies, how they are prevented and whether your horse is likely to be at risk. Discover more and find out how to ensure your horse is receiving adequate nutrition for optimal health.
Summer can be a wonderful time to get out and about with your horse and have some fun, however the high temperatures can prove dangerous for some horses and result in dehydration and heatstroke. It is therefore important to take on certain management practices to keep your horse happy and healthy in the heat.