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What are Herbal NOPS?

What are Herbal NOPS?

In 2016 a list of Herbal NOPS was introduced under the BETA NOPS scheme. This followed the analytical testing of Raw Materials since the NOPS scheme began in 2009. Herbal NOPS can be naturally present in certain herbs or are substances that originate from weeds, however either type could lead to a positive test under competition rules through contamination of feedstuffs.

Companies registered under the BETA NOPS Scheme routinely test for Herbal NOPS.



There are two classifications for Herbal NOPS – High Priority and Low Priority.

The High Priority Herbal NOPS are:

  • Cathinone/Cathine - Khat
  • Digitoxin - Foxglove
  • Ephedrine/Pseudoephedrine – Ephedra sp.
  • Reserpine - Indian snakeroot, Devil’s Pepper
  • Synephrine - “Bitter” orange cultivars


All of these ingredients are Banned under competition rules and should not be fed to horses.


Low Priority Herbal NOPS include:


These ingredients are Controlled under rules, which means that they are permitted to be fed to your horse - however they are limited to horses NOT competing.

Products with these ingredients in must have them highlighted on the packaging and will not be allowed to show the NOPS logo. It is important to be aware of withdrawal periods before competing as they will differ for each ingredient / product and this needs to be highlighted on the product packaging.


How do Feedmark ensure that Herbal NOPS don’t pose a risk to our customers?

At Feedmark, we offer products that contain Devil’s Claw and Meadow Sweet as they both have important benefits for horses such as soothing properties for joints. Whilst this poses a risk to the rest of our production, we take strict control measures to ensure that cross contamination is at an absolute minimum.

These Herbal NOPS are kept in our NOPS Room, which is a locked room in an area away from the rest of our ingredient storage and production areas. Strict controls are taken when we make products that contain either Devil's Claw or Meadowsweet and staff are trained in how to safely handle and package these products to avoid contamination. We also carry out monthly testing of our NOPS approved products and raw materials to further minimise the risk of cross contamination.