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Blog posts of '2015' 'August'

It's all about the looks!

iStock_000011938719Small   As horse owners we pride ourselves on the outer appeal of our horses, we reap comments about our horse’s fabulous coat and lustrous bloom. People are drawn to touch the sleek smooth supple coat and this give us a great sense of pride. The skin is the horse’s largest organ and its main function is...

It's all about the looks!

It’s a dog’s life!

A Golden Retriever leads a horse from the barn by pulling on the lead rope. A Golden Retriever leads a horse from the barn by pulling on the lead rope.[/caption] On approach to the majority of equine yards you can almost guarantee you will be met by the boss of the yard and usually they are 4 legged, and hopefully with a waggy tail!   Why are so many horse owners drawn to ...

It’s a dog’s life!

Dog Supplements

Dog Supplements

Healthy skin, glossy coat and how to face skin challenges...

bay horse stallion portrait on the black background This skin is the horse's largest organ and is a barrier to external challenges[/caption] Why is the skin important? The horse’s skin is a very important but often overlooked bodily structure.  It has many functions, including acting as a barrier to external challenges, helping to control body tempe...

Healthy skin, glossy coat and how to face skin challenges...

Does your horse need to be energised?

Va Va VoomEvery summer we have lots of people calling us concerned about their horse’s lack of energy. The first step we take is try to pin point what the likely cause is, and to do that we have to ask a few questions:   1.  Is the horse otherwise healthy? If your horse is normally happy and energetic and sud...

Does your horse need to be energised?