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Blog posts of '2019' 'July'

Endurance update from Feedmark rider, Annie Joppe

We catch up with Feedmark endurance rider, Annie Joppe, who gives us an update on her recent rides and explains how her mare recovered from a recent touch of colic. 

Endurance update from Feedmark rider, Annie Joppe

Hay vs. Haylage

Forage should make up the largest part of your horse’s daily diet, but do you know which forage is best for your horse and how much he should be consuming every day? In this week’s blog, our Nutritionist discusses the different types of forage and some important tips which are easy to forget...

Hay vs. Haylage

Feedmark’s Complete Feeding Guide for the Competition Horse

Whether you're out every weekend or just every now and again, here's our essential guide to ensure that your horse has the best possible support when they're competing.
Feedmark’s Complete Feeding Guide for the Competition Horse

Top Tips for Feeding the Veteran Horse

What can you do to support your veteran horse or pony? Our Nutritionist shares some helpful and vital tips to help you care for your golden oldies and optimise their well-being. 

Top Tips for Feeding the Veteran Horse