Why routine is important for horses
As a prey animal, horses have a strong flight response and thrive when managed in a consistent routine. They are creatures of habit and can become anxious by unexpected circumstances and changes to ‘the norm’.
A routine is also good mental stimulation for horses as predictable schedules help to alleviate boredom. A horse that is in a consistent routine will know what to expect and this alleviates anxiety and can reduce stress. Knowing when they're turned out, worked and fed helps to keep their minds engaged and reduces boredom. As well as supporting mental health, routines are essential for maintaining your horse’s digestive health and function.
The importance of routine for your horse’s digestive health
The horse’s digestive system is very delicate and changes to their routine or feeding regime can increase the risk of digestive upset. The makeup of the horses diet directly influences the populations of microbes present in the digestive system and this balance is upset when routine or feed changes are implemented.
How do I transition my horse to a new feeding routine?
Ensure that changes are made as slowly as possible, ideally over 10-14 days to maintain the balance of microorganisms in the horse’s digestive system.
This could be tricky when having to manage a horse going onto box rest so seek advice from your vet or a nutritionist for further support.
Why routine movement matters for your horse’s gut
Movement is vitally important for your horse’s digestive health as it supports gut motility.
A sudden change i.e., going on to box rest will drastically reduce the horse’s movement and the digestive function will slow down. As horses move, their muscles push food through the gut which aids digestion and absorption of nutrients.
When a horse doesn’t move enough this is when impaction colic is a greater risk as food slows down and dries out within the gut. Providing opportunities for your horse to move through the day such as ridden or non-ridden work, turnout or gentle walking can all help to support digestive function.
Make sure your horse has an opportunity for daily movement.
How to Maintain a Consistent Daily Routine for Your Horse
Try and ensure that the following daily activities are kept consistent:
- Feed time – keep mealtimes and the number of meals fed consistent each day.
- Feed changes – If any dietary changes need to be made, introduce new feedstuff gradually alongside the current feed or forage and make small changes.
- Turnout routine – turn out at the same time each day.
- Stabling – bring into the stable at the same time each day.
- Exercise – keep to a consistent exercise schedule.
Turn your horse out, and back into the stable, at the same time each day.
Consistency builds confidence in your horse and their confidence in you as they know what to predict. Knowing what is about to happen will reduce the stress your horse feels and will help to make them more relaxed and receptive to what is being asked of them.
What if routine changes are unavoidable?
Life happens! Sometimes, there will be circumstances when a routine change is unavoidable - for example, if your horse or you are injured, or if there are changes in yard management.
In these situations, the key is to gradually implement changes to minimise stress and anxiety for both you and your horse.
For any advice or questions you may have, please don't hesitate to reach out to our expert nutrition team. You can call 0800 585525 Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm. Email [email protected], or send us a DM on social media.