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The lymphatic system in horses

The Equine Lymphatic System 


What is the Lymphatic System?

The lymphatic system helps to protect the horse from disease and infection and is part of the immune system. It does this by allowing drainage of fluid from the body’s tissues into the blood circulation, therefore allowing removal of cell waste products. It also contains white blood cells which combat infection, these are called lymphocytes.


The lymphatic system is made up of an intricate network of delicate vessels which run alongside the horse’s arteries and veins. The vessels have incredibly fragile, fine walls and contain lymph fluid. Small valves prevent backflow and strategically placed lymphatic glands aid the drainage of fluid away from the limbs.


Lymph fluid surrounds the body’s tissues, any extra fluid from the tissues drains into the lymph vessels and is filtered by lymph nodes which contain the lymphocytes that destroy anything that is harmful to the body. The lymph fluid containing the waste then drains back into the bloodstream to be removed from the body with other waste.












Nutrition – certain herbs can help keep the horse’s lymphatic system healthy. For example, Clivers, Marigold, Dandelion, Hawthorn, Nettle and Ginkgo to support fluid distribution and provide lymphatic support. It may also be worth considering a joint supplement if the horse is experiencing stiffness.










 If you'd like to discuss your horse's lymphatic system with one of our Feedmark nutritional advisors then call on 0800 585525 or email [email protected]